Monday, April 09, 2007


FOR the frst time it feels like summer.

I've been working but the Easter holiday has all the hallmarks of long sunny days and balmy nights.
Evenings have been spent chilling with friends with beers and barbecues as mornings make for perfect running conditions.
My reboot is going well. I'm more capable of deciding, less able to be made a mug of and generally feeling stronger.
The Davy thing didn't go anywhere and now I've found out a little more I decided he was a chump.
But no matter. My new plan involves not caring or freting over the course I'm going. I mean I've accepted that when I finally hit my Jane Fonda years I'll probably still be on my own, in terms of a relationship.
But what life is to be found out there - a whole world of parties, games, friend's I'm yet to meet - if I'm going to be in a couple ever fate will point the way.
There are some things that you only find when you're not necessarily looking - friends, situations, lovers - and you can never force these things it's just a case of waiting and seeing if it happens.
Patience - my new by-word....
Suze x

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