Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Days off - aka eating cake and sorting holiday snaps...

Big plans...
Tomorrow I shall be mostly easting scrummy cake and sorting out my holiday snaps. That is after the dreaded hair appointment. I'm thinking as long as I have happy thoughts in my mind as I enter the salon (ie upcoming bun sesh).

I will also try to enter a new phase as regards the Ops list. I have managed to purchase a complete works of Shakespeare, must to the amusement of my colleagues who chortled in an unsympathetic fashion as I struggled under the massive weight of a library Shakespeare (a Publishers Work's special full of the knowledge of ages, purchased for the princely sum of £19.99). One or two were very eager to point out that I'll probably struggle to read it sitting in bed, as it spreads over a foot an a half when opened. Barstewards.

Ah well, it will all be worth it when I'm done and I can tick the item of my list, safe in the knowledge I am more cultured as a result.


Anonymous said...

Hi Suzy!!!

That is an awesome picture. I have no idea how artists make enormous statues like that...

And thank you for the temptation. Don't you know I'm dieting!!!! (I say this as I am eating a bowl of ben and jerry's strawberries and cream ice cream)

Suzy Hepworth said...

Thanks Hon, that pic is of a statue called "mother" by a french artist whose name escapes me. She was quite elderly when she designed it and had it cast in that scale in bronze.
As you can see it stands outside the equally awesome Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao - if you get chance go!!
Plus enjoy all the Ben and Jerry's you can - you never know - one day your taste buds might stop working...

Suze x

Anonymous said...

Excellent stuff- just remember for all those bar stewards, “As the soil, however rich it may be, cannot be productive without cultivation, so the mind without culture can never produce good fruit.”

Seneca (they will think he is a late brazilian racing driver)

Anonymous said...

Worried of London: just copied and pasted your lst blog into Gender genie (it is brilliant!) and you are definetly a man.

176 -v- 32. Try it!


Suzy Hepworth said...

Thank you Strandy, you got me. I'm really called Brian, I'm a welder from Nottingham. I like football, darts and bitter. I've been outed...