Thursday, January 04, 2007

Take your hands, not my whole life too...

When dealing with a man hands, like the scales of a fish, can be a very good indicator of what sort of a catch you've made.

Too hard and calloused, you're dealing with a man who might have too little consciousness of touch and maybe lacking somewhat in sensitivity, which can be a disaster.

But equally bad would be a man with hands that are too soft. Soft hands can mean that there is too much consciousness of touch and of self - usually spelling vanity and over-senstivity.

I find myself slightly obssessed with men's hands. Not necessarily holding of however - too problematic, hard to dodge obstacles such as lampposts, cyclists and walls - and plus it can indicate a closeness that at the moment I'm not sure I'm willing to give.

I like to look at hands and explore them, try and see what they can tell me about the owner.

Each scar, each rough patch can tell stories that some men can't even start to find the words for or even tell a story that needs no words.

Unattractive hands can be, for me, a deal breaker. Knuckles scarred from punching, stubby fingers and inappropriately dirty fingernails (working nails would be different) means my attention is likely to be cut.

At the moment I have a pair of hands undergoing inspection. They don't seem too soft and are not too rough, with long fingers and gentle.

But as previously mentioned I'm not really a hand-holding girl right now.

However that could be open for discussion...

Suze x


Jeannine said...

I, too, do like hands. Mainly though I am quite envious of them a lot of times. I have small hands and short "sausage" fingers. I am jealous of people with long and slender fingers as I have been playing the piano for a very long time and having long and slender fingers would have made things so much easier.
The perfect hands, imho, belong to a friend of mine. He is a concert pianist! He has this wonderful hands, not too big, not too hairy and due to his piano playing they are very muscular but still smooth. (His boyfriend I am sure is very happy with them!)
My husband on the other hand....
Well he is a working man. I do love his hands though, because they make me feel save and they are tender.
So I guess it is not about the "perfect hands" after all. It is about how they are used (and I for one mean that in a non-sexual manner).
So tell me: have you finished inspecting yet?

surjit singh said...

good writing power.Keep it up.My good wishes.

Mad Fashionista said...

Dahling -

As the possessor of a truly world-class pair of hands, I have simply given up on finding hands to match my own in perfection. However, I do admit that on the rare occasions when a man's hands are larger than mine, warm and not moist, and not too callused, I feel a shiver of delight when holding hands.

The easiest way to avoid this dilemma is also the most stylish: wear gloves! Ciao!

white with two sugars said...

I love guy's hands! Well, some of them. I also inspect hands. I hope your inspection goes well, and I enjoyed reading your blog.

Robin - Erithacus rubecula said...

Oh, but skinny wrists are a real turn off!